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Goal and Purpose
A "living" document of travels around Europe and the world. Wherever possible, diary and useful information entries and photos in this journal will be logged for each foreign destination.

New Technology * Computer Programming * Systems Administrator * Web Design * Music esp. U2 and Live * Travelling * Writing * Photography * Tennis * Tropical Aquariums

Site technology
This web site is probably one of the best examples of using the best free software and technology available to bring web content live within a small period of time. These are some of the technologies I've used in implementing this site:


Online web logging software, customised as a online travel journal for this site.

  Powered By GreyMatter


Interpreted server-side scripting language for developing and integrating web site and database access components. PHP/FI was used to integrate Greymatter with the Photo Log.

  PHP Logo

Can I use these photos?
Photos can be used for personal use only and can not be used on other web sites or commercial purposes. Higher resolution pics can be obtained by contacting me.

Smell the flowers while you can (D Wojanorwycz) * It's the way you sing that makes them dream (Ed Kowalczyk) * Technology has done a great favour to me (Larry Mullen Jnr) * Uncertainty can be a guiding light (Bono) * Don't expect, Suggest (The Edge)

Site dedication
Roly, for introducing me to web hosting and providing constructive criticism.
Rao, for unknowingly sharing his knowledge of PHP/FI and web development.
Tourists and friends, for helping me shoot some photos.
Old uni friends and close friends and family for their support

Future plans
Integrate my personal page with Travellogger * Re-engineer U2 Active * Put a map of my journeys * Move sites to another hosting service

Free Software
Jretriever: Access Oracle and MySQL databases.
phpOracleAdmin: Oracle DBA software written using PHP/FI.


© Edmond, 2002