Mental shock as I realised that I was again heading for a big city and had less than three days to cover in sweltering heat. Reaching for the guide, I explored around the whole area around the Hofburg and the main shopping district as well as utilising the transport systems around Vienna to explore the Rathaus, the parliament, the river and the parks between that make Vienna so spread out.
After tiring from boredom for more than three hours on the German ICE train, I set foot on the platform of the crowded Vienna Westbahnhof station. Really was a big change from the relaxed atmosphere of Salzburg, so I wasn't sure how to deal with this.
After checking into my hostel, I headed straight for St Stephen's Cathedral and took a brief look inside, before proceeding along the busy pedestrian street of Graben and Kohlmarkt, the large square of Michaelerplatz, the Hofburg and the New Hofburg and Heldenplatz. The Hofburg was the real highlight, as well as the carriages providing a sense of character, the old palace itself was worth the visit - a china exhibit and the lavish apartments of the Habsburgs were the highlights and a good way to escape the heat.
With a short trip on the metro, I ended up at the Rathaus (City Hall) and I continued through Rathaus Park. The presence of a big screen and seats meant that Vienna was also in the swing of the arts festival. Continuing along, I passed the Parliament, walked through Volksgarten, Maria Theresien Square and ended the tour of the main city at Burggarten, which sits right behind the New Hofburg.
It was late afternoon when I arrived at the Danube Canal, only to be disappointed by the lack of things to see here. The layout and views of the river were poor and most of the area was quite run down, so I took the metro towards Palace Belvedere. I suppose this was the price for Vienna being such a big city.
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Canon A20 Powershot for digital shots. Canon EOS 300V with Fuji Reala 100 film.
Vienna Tourist Information