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Berlin, Germany - First Night - 19 July 2003

Posted by Edmond on Sunday, August 17, 2003 · Comments (3)

I waited for eons for nightfall to set in Berlin. Obviously, being summer in Europe, the summer sun stays out for much longer. And with Berlin so spread out, I decided to restrict my night walk around Alexanderplatz. As it turned out, the area around Alexanderplatz and the Rotes Rathaus were under renovation - the Marienkirche and Klosterkirche were covered in scaffolding. I realised later that I could have gone on to Museum Island or the Nikolaiviertel, but rest was more important if I was to get through tomorrow in Potsdam. And I am getting a bit fed up maintaining this website, so the less photos the better!


Once again, I emerged from the mysterious U-Bahn station in Alexanderplatz. From Karl-Liebknecht Strasse, Alexanderplatz looked more like a nursery of forgotten children, with its 50s and 60s style buildings and apartments, once a symbolism of soviet progress, now falling into neglect and not knowing where to go. In contrast, the Fernsehturm, still shines bright in the approaching night, as if trying to guide its children into the future.

I think I walked for another 15-20 minutes before I arrived right in the middle of the Neptunbrunnen fountain, walking past the town hall in the process. From here, the red town hall, the Marienkirche and TV tower, all huge structures, surrounds this tiny little fountain. Across the road, I could just make out the Berlin Dome and the Nikolaikirche shining their lights in the night.

It was getting late and due to the approaching darkness, I felt it was time to go and get some rest for the day trip out to Potsdam. Not to mention I was starting to get fed up taking night images of every place I visit either outside of London or Sydney, just to provide content for this web site.


Canon EOS 300V with Fuji NPH 400 film. Canon A20 Powershot Digital Camera.

© Edmond, 2002