Oltrano and River Arno area of Florence One of the highlights were at the Ponte Santa Trinita, where I was greeted by an image of Ponte Vecchio illuminating the Arno River that reflected the true beauty of the city.
The area of Oltrano has to be one of the most peaceful areas in Florence, especially around the church of Santo Spirito and the adjacent square. The peacefulness of the early evening was broken occasionally by the sounds of scooters nearby and the mutterings of patrons from a couple of cafes that were situated in front of the church.
As it was getting late, I made my way back to the city centre via Ponte Santa Trinita when I was greeted with the most amazing spectacle of lights illuminating Ponte Vecchio. And the brightness of the river from the street lights near the banks and Ponte Vecchio surprisingly projects a surreal image of Florence that is both lively and beautiful.
Canon 28-90 USM zoom lense. Kodak Elitechrome 100. Canon A20 Powershot digital camera. Backpack used as a pod. 1 second exposure for most images.