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Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Night Life - 19th Jan 2003

Posted by Edmond on Friday, February 21, 2003 · Comments (0)

Causeway Bay/Wan Chai and Victoria's Peak at night during my stopover in Hong Kong. From the dynamic pulse and shimmer of the city to heavenly views of Hong Kong from the territory's highest point.


Each visit to Causeway Bay seems to be an overwhelming experience, full of life with neon lights and banners, plasma screens and people rushing around the streets. An area of Hong Kong that seems to pulsate and vibrate on its own accord with its noisy, rumbling trams and huge array of shops that never seem to close. Since we were eager to get up to Victoria's peak to get views of Hong Kong at night the only pictures I took was our dinner at a restaurant in the area!

On the subject of Victoria's Peak - there was a real rush to get to the top. A long queue of visitors from local and overseas formed before a packed peak tram. But our patience in the queue and during the ascent on the tram was rewarded with a excellent view of a city shimmering with activity, colour and light. As I wandered around and outside the tower's vantage points, I wonder if this oriental jewel will continue to shimmer, or become outshined by the revival of capitalism in mainland China...


Canon EOS 300V with 28-90mm USM. Fuji ISO 400 film. Most night shots taken using f8-11 at 3-5 second exposure. A tripod was not really required since there are guard rails which I used to place the camera, but a small backpack or pod would have been useful.

© Edmond, 2002